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Customizable Finance Tracker Template (Google Sheets Link)

Customizable Finance Tracker Template (Google Sheets Link)


Honestly, this is one of the most important things that I use to keep track of my finances and spending habits. Usually I check in with it every Sunday ("Finance Sunday") and clean it all up at the end of the month. I don't feel the same pressure when completing this as I do with budgets, but it lays out my money in such a comprehensive way. 


I've already built in functions so that your numbers add up as you enter them, but truly, once you copy and paste into your personal Google Sheet you can add whatever you want to it, change the colours, the functions, the headings, make it your own. 



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Link and detailed instructions will be sent to your email

Click Link

Highlight cells in Google Sheet (it's locked and uneditable so you can't enter your personal info until you make it your own)

Right click, select "copy"

Open your Gmail, go to "Google Sheets"

Create New



BOOM, you're done!


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